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ATA airlines

ATA airlines Chile, flights to Juan Fernandez archipelago and Mocha Islands

About us

Since 1988, we, ATA Airlines, specialize in the air transport of passengers and critical We provide our customers with a comprehensive, efficient and safe air transport service, according to the highest demands of the aeronautical market.

What do we do

We offer a comprehensive air transport service: executive travel, air ambulance, ground ambulance, cargo transport, aerial photogrammetry, photography and aerial filming, coastal and forest patrols, surveillance, fire prevention, aircraft maintenance and pilot training.

Our services

We provide professional services and solutions of high quality, safety, impact, speed and efficiency. We focus our promise on meeting and solving all the requirements and needs of our clients with a high sense of responsibility and commitment.

  • Destinations:
    • Mocha Island
      Aerolíneas ATA invites you to visit its new destination, the Mocha Island national reserve.
      Just 10 minutes from Tirúa, this island is a real treasure of 52 square kilometers.
      It offers rocky beaches of white and black sand, as well as a mountain range covered with virgin native forests.
        More about Mocha Island  
    • Robinson Crusoe Island in the Juan Fernández archipelago ATA airlines takes you to one of the most beautiful, recondite and historic places in Chile, declared a national park and Biosphere Reserve by Unesco: the Robinson Crusoe Island (Juan Fernández archipelago). Only 1 hour and 50 minutes from Santiago, you can enjoy the most enriching adventure on an island that, in the past, was visited by pirates and corsairs and that today, conserves the most unique and wonderful flora and fauna.
        More about the Juan Fernández archipelago